Scripted Import and Deployment of an App-V Package
The following script provides a fully automated import of an App-V Package into ConfigMgr with the following actions:
Imports App-V Package as a ConfigMgr application.
Creates a AD Group for the clients to be added to
Create a Collection for Installation with a AD Group query
Create a Collection for software removal based on Compliance, queries for the software and removes application when the installation is no longer being applied.
Distributes the application to the a DP Group
Creates Install and Uninstall deployments and assigns to the corresponding Collection.
There are 2 remaining tasks, add the clients to the AD Group for software deployment and update the application with OS requirements.
Scripted Import and Deployment of App-V packages
#Set Varibles for Group name and Collection
#$APP is the name of the Application to be used for Collection and Application Creation
param (
#Name of App - Edge Browser
[string]$App = (read-host "Enter the name of the App"),
#Description of Application
[string]$comment = (read-host "Descriptive Information"),
#Version of App designated with V at the beginning
[string]$AppVer = (read-host "Application Version beginning with a V"),
#Who manufactured the product
[string]$AppMan = (read-host "Application Manufacturer"),
#UNC Server and Share are set as a variable, path to msi is only required application\microsoft\scom\scomagent.msi
[string]$AppPathFolder = (read-host "Enter the path to the App-V starting at the sub-folder under SMSSource App-v\microsoft\scom\scomagent.appv"),
# Type R or A for available or required
[string]$AvailReq = (read-host "Enter the Deployment type of 'R' Required or 'A' Available")
if ($AvailReq -eq "R"){$AvailReq = "Required"}
if ($AvailReq -eq "A"){$AvailReq = "Available"}
#Variables to create the AD Groups and Collections
#P is for Physical, V is virtual and U for users
$Type = "V"
#Set Variable for Group, Collection creation
$ADGroupName = "SW_" + $Type + "_" + $App + "_Install"
#Installation Collection and Application Names
$CollAppName = $App + " Install"
#Uninstall Collection and Application Names
$CollAppNameUn = $App + " UnInstall"
############# DECLARE VARIABLES FOR CONFIGMGR AND AD ##########################
#Site server and site variables
Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace("\bin\i386", "\bin\configurationmanager.psd1")
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$GetSite = Get-CMSite
$SiteServer = $getSite.ServerName
$Site = $getSite.SiteCode
$DP = Get-CMDistributionPoint | Select-Object NetworkOSPath
$DPName = $dp.NetworkOSPath.Replace("\\","")
$DPGroup = Get-WmiObject -Namespace “Root\SMS\Site_$($Site)” -Class SMS_DistributionPointGroup -ComputerName $SiteServer | Select-Object name
#Update this to UNC of the SMS Source path
######### UPDATE ME ###########
$SMSSource = "\\ConfigMgr01\SMSSource\"
#Full unc path to the msi
$AppPath = $SMSSource + $AppPathFolder
#AD OU Path for Group creation
New-ADGroup -Name "$ADGroupName" -SamAccountName $ADGroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName "$ADGroupName" -Path "ou=testOrg,dc=toyo,dc=loc" -Description "$comment"
#Connects to the the Site Server
$SiteSrv = $Site + ':'
CD $SiteSrv
# Sets Collection Schedules
$schedule = New-CMSchedule –RecurInterval Days –RecurCount 7
$scheduleUn = New-CMSchedule –RecurInterval Days –RecurCount 1
#Creates the Install Collection and Query
New-CMDeviceCollection -RefreshSchedule $schedule -comment $comment -name $CollAppName -LimitingCollectionName "All Workstations" -RefreshType Both
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -RuleName $CollAppName -Collectionname $CollAppName -QueryExpression "select * from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SecurityGroupName = 'Tenaka\\$ADGroupName'"
#Creates the Uninstall Collection and Query
New-CMDeviceCollection -RefreshSchedule $scheduleUn -comment $comment -name $CollAppNameUn -LimitingCollectionName "All Workstations"
Add-CMDeviceCollectionQueryMembershipRule -RuleName $CollAppNameUn -Collectionname $CollAppNameUn -QueryExpression "select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System INNER JOIN SMS_G_System_AppClientState ON SMS_G_System_AppClientState.MachineName = SMS_R_System.Name WHERE SMS_G_System_AppClientState.ComplianceState = '1' AND SMS_G_System_AppClientState.AppName = `'$App'"
#Creates and imports Applications
#Creates application with a custom installation string
New-CMApplication -Name $CollAppName -AutoInstall $True -Description $comment -SoftwareVersion $AppVer -Manufacturer $AppMan
Add-CMAppv5XDeploymentType -ApplicationName $CollAppName -DeploymentTypeName $CollAppName -ContentLocation $AppPath -Comment $comment
if ($AvailReq -eq "Avaialble")
#Push Content to DP's
Start-CMContentDistribution -ApplicationName $CollAppName -DistributionPointGroupName $
#Installation Deployment
#Available from 1 hour and deployed in 7 days
$DeadlineDateTime = (Get-date).AddDays(7)
$AvailableDateTime = (Get-date).AddHours(1)
New-CMApplicationDeployment -Name $CollAppName -CollectionName $CollAppName -DeployAction Install -DeployPurpose $AvailReq -AvailableDateTime $AvailableDateTime -UserNotification DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
#Uninstall Deployment
#Install overrides uninstall, once the client is removed from the collection the uninstall will
$DeadlineDateTimeRem = (Get-date)
$AvailableDateTimeRem = (Get-date)
New-CMApplicationDeployment -Name $CollAppName -CollectionName $CollAppNameun -DeployAction Uninstall -DeployPurpose $AvailReq -AvailableDateTime $AvailableDateTime -UserNotification DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
if ($AvailReq -eq "Required")
#Push Content to DP's
Start-CMContentDistribution -ApplicationName $CollAppName -DistributionPointGroupName $
#Installation Deployment
#Available from 1 hour and deployed in 7 days
$DeadlineDateTime = (Get-date).AddDays(7)
$AvailableDateTime = (Get-date).AddHours(1)
New-CMApplicationDeployment -Name $CollAppName -CollectionName $CollAppName -DeployAction Install -DeployPurpose $AvailReq -AvailableDateTime $AvailableDateTime -DeadlineDateTime $DeadlineDateTime -UserNotification DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly
#Uninstall Deployment
#Install overrides uninstall, once the client is removed from the collection the uninstall will
$DeadlineDateTimeRem = (Get-date)
$AvailableDateTimeRem = (Get-date)
New-CMApplicationDeployment -Name $CollAppName -CollectionName $CollAppNameun -DeployAction Uninstall -DeployPurpose $AvailReq -AvailableDateTime $AvailableDateTime -DeadlineDateTime $DeadlineDateTime -UserNotification DisplaySoftwareCenterOnly